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We see...

A single fencing strip illuminated by an overhead spotlight.  This is the stage in her mind where every move is rehearsed--where her practice has made her perfect. Every point of every bout played out over and over again.  Two steps ahead. Three steps. Her inner dialogue: "Step here, and I lose.  Move there, then there... no good."  It's a high speed chess match that Lee can see better than anyone. "There it is. An opening. Under, over, then, flick... I win." Deep breath.  And she thinks, "But it's so much more than my victory."

Lee Kiefer came to Notre Dame the #1 foilest in the country.  She's leaving #1 in the world.


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Links to reference material to help visualize mood, theme, and style.


Links to reference material to help visualize mood, theme, and style.


"Three steps ahead" effects sequence

  •  From the movie Premium Rush starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. We might add voice over and sound design to emphasize that this is high-speed chess and Lee is always thinking 2 or 3 steps ahead. She sees things before they happen and sets up her shots like no one else in the world.

From Premium Rush starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt

From Premium Rush starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt



Looks for lighting lee's head space and practice scenes

  •  From the short film  Nzingha by Anderson Wright. We love the hyper-real lighting. This is Lee's headspace, a dream world where she perfects her moves and sees victory before it happens.


From Nzingha by Anderson Wright.

From Nzingha by Anderson Wright.



  • Ad Sports TV - Fencing by Anders Schroder. We love the camera work here and the edit.  Disregard the motion graphics and special effects. And disregard the hyper-real setting under a metro overpass at night. But there is a beauty to all the leading lines from the architecture.  The jump at the end is ridiculously beautiful and dynamic, but is that too much of a stretch? Do fencers do that in a bout? If so.... let's do it! To pull a shot like that off will take a seriously talented camera crew.
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Shoot Schedule

  1. Lee Kiefer Interview -  Notre Dame JACC, May 26, 2017.

  2. Lee at Bluegrass Fencer's Club - Lexington, Tues. June 20.

    • 3:45pm Cody and Cotton arrive at Bluegrass Fencer's Club

    • 570 Delzan Place, Suite 28, Lexington, KY 40503

      • Located on the second floor of the Kethshire Place shopping plaza.  Enter the building through the corner doors between Brooklyn Pizza and the Tae Kwon Do studio.

    • B-roll and sound--fly on the wall, verité style.

    • Lee arriving, getting gear out of car, walking across parking lot, entering front door.

    • warming up, drills, practice, getting instruction from coach

    • Will stay only as long as we need to get good b-roll and will try to not to interrupt or get in the way.

  3. Lee's Parent's Interview - Lexington, Kiefer Home, Tues. June 20.

    • 7:30pm Cody and Cotton arrive at Kiefer home to setup.
    • 8:30pm Interview Dad/Mom
    • 9:30pm wrap
  4. Lee Driving To/Around Lexington - Lexington, Wed. June 21.

    • Early AM golden hour if Lee is available

    • B-roll of  Lee “driving home” to Lexington 

    • Horse farms/country side (Need Lee in this shot.  Cody will scout and locate exactly where to go)

    • “Welcome to Lexington” sign (would be much better with Lee in this shot)

    • Lexington skyline (with or without Lee)

    • Kentucky flavor/contrast to South Bend (do not need Lee for this)

  5. Dad's Trophies and Plaques at Grandma's House - Erlinger, KY, Wed. June 21.

    • Just need 20-30 minutes filming trophies/plaques. Mid-day--sometime between 11 and 2 maybe?
  6. Lee Production "Fencing Dreams" at Notre Dame JACC, June 29.

    • Location: JACC fencing area.
    • People on camera: Lee, and 1-3 other fencers.
    • Shoot will take about 90 minutes after crew is setup. (lets discuss how much time we’ll need for crew setup)
    • Need Lee for full 90 minutes.
    • Need “Fencer 1" to spar with Lee for about 1 hour
    • Need “Fencer 2 and 3" for about 30 mins for locker room and practice scenes.
    • Shots/setups:
      1. Hallway - Lee arriving, walking with gear in bag/cases in ND Fencing hallway/tunnel. Will use haze/fog and stylized lighting. (need to call NDFD for smoke alarms)
      2. Locker room prep - Lee gearing up in locker room. (slight haze/fog and stylized lighting)
      3. Hallway walk out to practice - Lee geared up and preparing mentally as she walks out from locker room to arena. (slight haze/fog and stylized lighting).
      4. Arena, fencing practice - Lee practicing/sparing with Fencer 1.
      5. Arena, fencing “3 Moves Ahead” special effects sequence (see Pre-Vis site)
      6. Arena “Head Space” sequence - posed b-roll shots of Lee shadow boxing alone. (haze/fog and stylized lighting).
  7. Lee Biking Around Campus - Notre Dame, June 28.

    • Exact date and time TBD.
  8. Coach Gia Interview - Notre Dame Fencing Lounge, June 26-29.

    • Exact date and time TBD.
  9. Sabrina Massialas Interview - Notre Dame Fencing Lounge, June 26-29.

    • Exact date and time TBD.

"Fencing Dreams" Shoot - Notre Dame JACC, June 29.

  • CREW
    • Zach Dudka - DP, lighting design for the FENCING AREANA scenes (2 looks) and camera look and settings. With help from Melki with his moving lights and other gear.
    • Randy Orak - "A camera" (Amira 1) op for all scenes. Lighting design for LOCKER ROOM scene with help from Robert.
    • Dustin Maust - Gimbal camera op. Lighting design for HALLWAY SCENES (2 looks) with help from Cody.
    • Robert Campbell - lighting design collaboration with Randy for LOCKER ROOM scene. Shuttle dolly camera with Melki, sound recording fencing sound fx and Lee's voice (her mask-off screams, etc.)
    • Melki - moving lights for FENCING ARENA scenes, shuttle dolly camera op with help from Robert.
    • Cody - Directing Lee and other fencers. Directing/blocking camera from shot list and script. Part-time "B camera" Amira 2.
    • Jodain - EP. Part-time "B-camera" Amira 2. Creative input and veto power.
  • GEAR
    • Amira 1 package with Cabrio lens and tripod
    • Amira 2 package with Cabrio lens and tripod
    • Red Epic Weapon package with Ronin wireless follow focus
    • FIM sound recording kit - zoom, boom and 2x wireless lav
    • Shuttle Dolly
    • Eeasy Rig
    • Ready Rig
    • Moving lights
    • Arri fresnel tungsten kit
    • Fiilex fresnel LED kit
    • Litepanels Astra kit
    • Cineo HS x2 kit
    • 10x10 scrim jim
    • fast flags
    • FIM's scrim diffuser
    • c-stands


5:00pm crew call and preproduction meeting in FIM green couches area.

5:30 Setup cameras, lighting and sound in arena, hallway, and locker room. Possibly film some of the live fencing practice.

6:30 haze test. camera tests.

7:00 break for pizza in fencing lounge. (save some for fencers if they haven't arrived yet).

8:00 Hallway Scene 1 "Arrival"

8:15Locker Room Scene

9:00 Hallway Scene 2 "Gladiator"

9:30 Practice scene in reality lighting with all fencers (if we didn't get enough at 5:30.

9:45 "3 Steps Ahead" scene

10:30 "Dream Alone" posed shots

10:45 Crew wrap and tear down. Cody and Lee record Lee's VO in FIM studio

11:00 wrap.


SHOT LIST: Hallway Scene 1 - "Arrival" in street clothes - reality lighting

Lee only.

1. WS shuttle dolly floor level dolly-in as Lee walks toward camera down hallway then leaves frame to go into locker room.

2. Gimbal over Lee's shoulder as she enters hallway walks down to locker room and enters locker room and leaves frame.

3. Gimbal narrow DOF shot of NCAA champions signs on hallway wall as Lee enters hallway and walks to locker room.

SHOT LIST: Locker Room Scene - "Transformation" half-dream lighting

Lee with at least one other female fencer in background.

1. WS getting dressed in gear--specifically want to see the application of plastic torso plate

2. MS same

3. CU same but focus on straps, buttons, texture

4. CU same but focus on Lee's face, putting up her hair, etc.

5. WS (gimbal or locked down or dolly?) Lee geard up but sitting in solitude in front of her locker--focused. Beat, deep breath, stands, and walks out of frame.

6. MS same

7. CU same

8. Gimbal follow lee out of locker room. cut once we're out the door to hallway.

SHOT LIST: Hallway Scene 2 - "Gladiator Tunnel" in fencing gear - dream lighting w/ moving lights

Lee only.

1. WS Gimbal over Lee's shoulder as she leaves the locker room, enters the hallway, walks down to arena gate and leaves frame.

2. MS same action

3. CU same action

THEN, turn dream lighting and haze off. And do the same 3 shots in "reality lighting".

SHOT LIST: "Practice" - reality lighting

Lee, Sabrina, Gerrick, and other fencers and possibly Gia.

1. various beauty and action shots of Lee and other fencers and coach gia.

SHOT LIST: Arena Scene "3 Steps Ahead" - dream lighting in arena with subtle moving lights

Lee and Sabrina or one other fencer.

1.A) MS or CU push-in to ECU of Lee's face--reveal the eyes through the mask.

1.B) Cut back to CU push in to ECU of Lee's face--eyes through the mask. Her eyes move left to right.

1.C) CU push in to ECU of Lee's face--eyes through the mask. deep breath and blink.

1.D) Cut back to CU push in to ECU of Lee's face--eyes through the mask smile and begin to move out of frame (left or right based on Lee's choreography).

2.A) WS of opponent (Sabrina?) facing directly into lens with Lee's right arm and foil in foreground (possibly over Lee's right shoulder to allow lee to move in front of camera and to come into full view as she executes her first move in her "mind's eye"--super slowmo.

2.B) WS over Lees right shoulder and elevated a little to see all the action. Lee moves forward away from camera and comes into full view as she executes the FIRST MOVE--speed ramped to full speed in post.

2.C) WS over Lees right shoulder and elevated a little to see all the action. Lee moves forward away from camera and comes into full view as she executes the SECOND MOVE.

2.D) WS over Lees right shoulder and elevated a little to see all the action. Lee moves forward away from camera and comes into full view as she executes the THIRD MOVE successfully.

3.A) CU of Lee's feet moving for the attack FIRST MOVE

3.B) CU of Lee's feet moving for the attack SECOND MOVE

3.C) CU of Lee's feet moving for the attack THIRD MOVE

4.A) ECU of RED TIP of OPPONENT'S foil hitting Lee's chest plate to score against her. FIRST MOVE

4.B) ECU of RED TIP of OPPONENT'S foil hitting Lee's chest plate to score against her. SECOND MOVE

4.C) ECU of BLUE TIP of LEE'S foil hitting her OPPONENT'S chest plate for victory. THIRD MOVE

5.A) MS DOLLY IN of score board light (RED)

5.B) CU DOLLY IN of score board light (RED)

5.C) ECU DOLLY IN of score board light (GREEN)

6.A) MS of LEE as she rips her mask off and yells in frustration (level 5).

6.B) MS of LEE as she rips her mask off and yells in triumph (level 7-10).

6.C) MS of LEE lifting her mask. Deep breath. Smiles and nods in victory (level 2-3 option).

7.A) CU of Lee's foil clashing with opponent FIRST MOVE

7.B) CU of Lee's foil clashing with opponent SECOND MOVE

7.C) CU of Lee's foil clashing with opponent THIRD MOVE

SHOT LIST: "Dream Alone" - dream lighting with bigger moving lights

Lee by herself

1. various shots of posed and choreographed action

  • lunge
  • shadow boxing
  • flunge? (the big jump)?
  • ECU of footwork
  • ECU of strip/floor/electronics
  • Her hands
  • Mask
  • Eyes through mask
  • Name on back
  • the foil hilt
  • the foil tip




FULL SCRIPT: "3 Steps Ahead" Sequence

Lee voice over: "Fencing is beautiful... and violent. Every move is so fast. It's not just high speed chess; it's more like hyper-speed chess.  Double touches are scored within 40 miliseconds. It takes the average person 400 miliseconds to blink. So, yeah; you can win or lose, literally within the blink of an eye. And my goal--is to stay 3 steps ahead."

1.A) MS or CU push-in to ECU of Lee's face--reveal the eyes through the mask.

cut or whip-pan to

2.A) WS of opponent (Sabrina?) facing directly into lens with Lee's right arm and foil in foreground (possibly over Lee's right shoulder to allow lee to move in front of camera and to come into full view as she executes her first move in her "mind's eye"--super slowmo.

VO LEE: "If I perry here, feint left, and go for center mass?" Motion graphics lines, diagrams, calculations, routing her foil's path.

2.B) WS over Lees right shoulder and elevated a little to see all the action. Lee moves forward away from camera and comes into full view as she executes the FIRST MOVE--speed ramped to full speed in post.

3.A) CU of Lee's feet moving for the attack

Sound FX shoes squeak and shuffle, foils clash.

4.A) ECU of RED TIP of OPPONENT'S foil hitting Lee's chest plate to score against her.

Sound FX Score board buzzer echoes

5.A) CU of score board light (RED).

VO LEE:  "Ahh. No good."

1.B) Cut back to CU push in to ECU of Lee's face--eyes through the mask. Her eyes move left to right.

VO LEE: "Look at her shoulder. set it up. there's got to be an opening... "  Motion graphics lines, diagrams, calculations showing a target.

2.C) WS over Lees right shoulder and elevated a little to see all the action. Lee moves forward away from camera and comes into full view as she executes the SECOND MOVE.

Sound FX shoes squeak and shuffle, foils clash.

4.B) ECU of RED TIP of OPPONENT'S foil hitting Lee's chest plate (different for FIRST MOVE) to score against her.

Sound FX Score board sounds buzzer.

5.B) CU of score board light (RED)

6.A) MS of LEE as she rips her mask off and yells in frustration (level 5).

VO LEE:  "Nope."

1.C) CU push in to ECU of Lee's face--eyes through the mask. deep breath and blink.

VO LEE: "Focus."

Motion graphics lines, diagrams, calculations showing a green-target" The correct path to victory.

1.D) Cut back to CU push in to ECU of Lee's face--eyes through the mask smile and begin to move out of frame (left or right based on Lee's choreography).

2.D) WS over Lees right shoulder and elevated a little to see all the action. Lee moves forward away from camera and comes into full view as she executes the THIRD MOVE successfully.

3.B) CU of Lee's feet moving for the attack

7) CU of Lee's foil

4.C) ECU of BLUE TIP of LEE'S foil hitting her OPPONENT'S chest plate.

5.C) CU of score board light (GREEN)

6.B) MS of LEE as she rips her mask off and yells in triumph (level 7-10).


6.C) MS of LEE lifting her mask. Deep breath. Smiles and nods in victory (level 2-3 option).