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If you could slow me down

We see...

Josh Adams alone in the Notre Dame locker room, gearing up for game day, intercut with scenes from Josh's past:

(Flashback: Freshman year getting yelled at by coach.)

Walking down the stairwell, past the PLACT sign.

(Flashback: Josh with teammates in military training)

Into the tunnel, and out to midfield where he pauses.

(Flashback: Josh passionately telling the team about his mom working two jobs. Photos of Josh young josh and family.)

He lines up in an imaginary backfield behind his imaginary quarterback, as we push into his eyes. 

We hear Josh's voice over; his inner-dialogue.

VO: In the game.  When the ball is snapped. There's no time to think. 

(In the head space, Josh explodes from his stance toward an imaginary line of scrimmage)

VO: Just react.  

(Intercut scenes from big plays in games match-framed to Josh running in the head space.) 

VO: Training kicks in.  Instincts take over.

(Intercut scenes from big plays in games match-framed to Josh running in the head space.) 

VO: If you think long,  You're wrong.

(Intercut a scene from a game where Josh gets tackled.) 

VO: But if you could slow me down,

(Music and SFX to 'slowmotion' and 'shellshocked'.) 

VO: What would it sound like?

FX sequence:

(Mix of sound design and sfx voices: Josh whispers, Coach Denson, and possibly BK from practice, possibly some sound-designed/effected radio calls. All culminating to a climactic, cliffhanger run by josh)

Inside zone.  

2 power shuffles, down hill, read the backside A to B, fall on the front side late.

Pre snap read. Scan the field, locate the free safety, don’t give away tendencies.

Post snap. React. Eyes take me where I want to go.

Get inside-out and scrape paint, everything going vertical.

Second level. Break away. Fight position at point of contact.


 Attack the defender. Square ‘em up. Hips low. Explode.

Stiff arm. Stop and go. Stutter step. Limp shoulder. Turn on the speed.

Lift as I make contact.  Stiff and lift.

Hit to destroy.  Intensity. 

Run. Fast. Faster. Power. Cut. Quick.


For God.

For my family.

For my team--my brothers.

If there’s an award for that… cool.


Back to Josh's VO:

VO: Yeah. That's what it would sound like.

Cut to Josh in the 'head space' sprinting full out to the endzone intercut and match-framed with  his 84 yard run against USC. With radio call sound design and huge crowd.


VO: If you could slow me down.

Mike Tirico Broadcast call.







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Links to reference material to help visualize mood, theme, and style.


Links to reference material to help visualize mood, theme, and style.


Lee kiefer - opening sequence

  • Just the first 2:00
lee kiefer thumbnail.jpg

4th quarter - adidas Eddie George

  • LOVE the copywriting - player's perspective and inner dialogue
  • HATE how obviously faked, staged game scenes are. We fail if our scenes look like this. Stay away from any creative decision that makes us "stage" a tackle, a block, or any contact trying to fake a game look. It just doesn't work.

Looks for lighting josh's head space - locker room and stadium

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  • Ad Sports TV - Fencing by Anders Schroder. LOVE the wide depth of field and how sharp the focus is.  We love the camera work here and the edit.  Disregard the motion graphics and special effects. And disregard the hyper-real setting under a metro overpass at night. But there is a beauty to all the leading lines from the architecture.  The jump at the end is ridiculously beautiful and dynamic. 
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Shoot Schedule: Thursday, October 26, 2017

  • 4:00  Location Setup: Locker Room

    • Randy and Cotton on lighting, Amiras, and haze machine
      • Amira 1 and 2, Sachtler tripods, hi-hat, and shoulder mount
      • Astra kit + stingers
      • Fiilex kit + stingers
      • big bounce and C-stand
      • Fast Flags kit and C-stand
      • ?
  • 5:30 Crew Call, Dinner, Production Meeting

    FIM Corbett, Collaboration Room E126 (next to break room). Enter building through Door 3 on east side.
    • Eat
    • Review schedule and shot list.
    • Dustin rig, balance, and test Ronin and follow focus
      • ?
      • follow focus kit with wireless monitor
      • Red Epic Weapon kit
    • Robert rig, balance and test PilotFly
    • Randy rig a7sII for "linebacker cam"
    • Melqui setup Inspire 1 and test flight
      • Flight restrictions:
        • Not allowed to go outside or above top of stadium bowl
        • Not allowed to hover or pass directly over any person's head (especially Josh Adams). Crew will be behind pilot when flying. See plot below.
        • Be mindful of weather and temp limitations for DJI Inspire 1 batteries. Do not be afraid to tell us "No--can't fly" if conditions do not allow. We MUST be SAFE. No shot is worth injuring cast or crew. We'll have plenty of camera angles to work with, the aerial shots are icing on the cake.
  • 6:30 Rehearsal on field

  • 7:15  Josh Arrives - Locker Room & Stairwell Scene (10 min)

    • Locker Shot 1: Josh sitting at locker. Dustin on Ronin slow dolly in to Josh seated at locker. High frame rate. This shot most of carries the scene. (see Lee Kiefer).
      • Cody/Jodain on follow focus
      • Randy - Amira long shot from the shadows--not in Dustin's shot. tight CU's of hands, arms, face, etc. Kinetic and high frame rate.
      • Robert - get what you can with Amira 2 but give Dustin on Ronin priority for shot 1.
    • Locker Shot 2: Randy - CU of face squared up straight on in front of Josh. He will emote several ways--at least 3 takes.
    • Locker Shot 3: Robert - Amira at top of stairwell MCU of Play Like a Champion Today sign as Josh enters your frame, touches sign, and leaves frame.
    • Melqui not flying yet. chill with crew.


  • Tunnel Scene (5 min)

    • Tunnel Shot: Dustin on Ronin follow from behind as Josh as enters tunnel from stairwell and out to field
    • Melqui not flying yet. chill in the tunnel behind crew.
    • Randy Amira on sticks from "Field Shot 1" position. catch josh as he comes out of tunnel.
    • Robert Amira on hihat in "Field Shot 1" position. Catch josh as he comes out of tunnel.
    • Cody/Jodain follow focus

CUT - PAUSE JOSH - TO SETUP cameras for field

  • Field Scene - (30 min)

    • We're only going to ask Josh to run a few times. So don't expect to get more than 2 takes.
    • Field Shot 1: Josh walks out to 22 yard line and takes his stance. Randy - Amira on sticks CU and ECU of face. 3-4 takes to emote
    • Field Shot 2: Melqui priority. Josh runs 1st cut of Run 1.
    • Field Shot 3: Randy "linebacker cam" priority" Josh runs 1st cut of Run 1. If behind schedule we might have to cut this.
    • Field Shot 4: Randy NBC stand priority. Josh runs 2nd and 3rd cut of Run 2.
    • Field Shot 5: Randy in cotton's position. Josh runs all of Run 2 (USC). RANDY PRIORITY.
    • Field Shot 6: Dustin on Toro. Josh runs all of Run 2 (USC). If Josh is fatiqued, only run 1st half.
  • 8:00 Wrap


Randy Orak - (570) 807-9919. DP and A-Cam Amira 1. Lead lighting and camera settings for locker room.

Robert Campbell - (574) 302-1076. Asst. DP and B-Cam Amira 2. Assist Randy and make magic : )

Dustin Maust - (574) 302-7834. Gimbal Op Red Epic Weapon. Make D-Maust Magic Coordinate with Randy and Robert for camera settings

Melqui Rodriquez - (574) 250-8417. DJI Inspire Op.

Cody Baker - (574) 220-2250. Director, follow focus

Jaye Galloway - (574) 532-1157. Production Manager.

Jodain Massad - (646) 498-8329. Executive Producer.