We see…
Sam Giacolone in the Arlotta Stadium locker room, gearing up for game day. Teammates in the background finish their preparation and exit the frame leaving Sam alone in her thoughts.
“They say that I’m too small to play this position. That I’m undersized. That I’m ‘Jumpy’.
But ever since I was a little girl, my mom ingrained in me two words…
“Be fearless.”
Frames for Mood, Concept, Color, Style, etc.
Frames for Mood, Concept, Color, Style, etc.
Links to reference material to help visualize mood, theme, and style.
Links to reference material to help visualize mood, theme, and style.
UNC SAVE SEQUENCE - sam scripted
FIM Corbett, Collaboration Room E126 (next to break room). Enter building through Door 3 on east side.
Review schedule and shot list.
1. Sam Hero - Amira
x 2 takes at 2 levels of energy
2. Sam Hero - Ronin
x 2 takes at 2 levels of energy
3. Group of 3 Hero - Amira
4. Group of 3 Hero - Ronin
5. Group of 4 Hero - Amira
6. Group of 4 Hero - Ronin
7. Fusion - UNC 1- Sam, Makenna, Barbara - NET FACING LEFT
8. Fusion - UNC 1 - Sam, Makenna, Barbara - NO NET (move net off set) switch player position
10. Fusion - UNC 2 - Sam, Hanna, Barbara - NET FULL FRONT
11. Fusion - UNC 2 - Sam, Hanna, Barbara - NO NET (move net off set) switch player position
12. Fusion - UNC 3 - Sam, Sav, Barbara - NET QUARTER TURN RIGHT
13. Fusion - UNC 3 - Sam, Sav, Barbara - NO NET (move net off set) switch player position
14. Fusion - UNC 4 - Sam, Andie, Barbara - NET QUARTER TURN RIGHT
13. Fusion - UNC 4 - Sam, Andie, Barbara - NO NET (move net off set) switch player position
14. Fusion - UNC 5 - Sam, Kelly, Barbara - NET FACING LEFT 120 DEGREES sort ob seeing back quarter
15. Fusion - UNC 5 - Sam, Kelly, Barbara - NO NET (move net off set) switch player position
16. Fusion - UNC 6 - Sam, Diana, Barbara - NET FACING RIGHT 90 DEGREES
17. Fusion - UNC 6 - Sam, Diana, Barbara - NO NET (move net off set) switch player position
18. Fusion - UNC 7 - Sam, Kathleen, Barbara - NET FACING RIGHT 70 DEGREES
19. Fusion - UNC 7 - Sam, Kathleen, Barbara - NO NET (move net off set) switch player position
20. REPEAT 7 - 19 with Amira.
Ronin -Dolly in to Sam sitting at her locker gearing up. Background action: teammates cross and clear frame. Sony a7sII on Ronin S.
CU of Sam as she gears up - profile - Amira:
Shoes lacing up
Taping or other arm/elbow pads
Adjusting stick and webbing of basket
Her face
ECU her eyes
WS of Sam standing up and walking out--go time!
MS of Sam walking through hallway/tunnel outside of locker room. Dolly shot, Ronin S, follow from behind.
Samantha Giacolone: #23 Goalie - White on White uniform
Makenna Pearsall: #19 Midfield/Defense
Hannah Proctor: #10 Defense
Savannah Buchanan: #8 Midfield
Kelly Donnelly: #2 Midfield
Andie Aldave: #13 Midfield
Kathleen Roe: #6 Defense
Diana Kelly: #12 Midfield
Barbara Sullivan: Opponent Attack - Blue on blue uniform
Cotton: DP Amira, lighting
Derek: Would you be up for helping Cotton as camera assist, and/or shooting second Amira?
Jasmine: Help with fusion camera - fitting the harness on the SA’s, liaison w athletes, would you mind also being our script supervisor? That means: help us keep on track on set with timing of the schedule and making sure we get each shot on the list?
Pat: SA and coach liaison, lax gear and props, uniforms, facilities access.
Jodain: executive producer
Cody: director, fusion camera, camera
Jerrod: would you mind helping with gear/grip and lending your eye as assist director?
Robert: Ronin Camera, lighting studio 1.
Indi: Grip and/or filming with Amira B
SAM: This game is so fast.
A two and a half inch solid rubber ball flying sixty miles an hour
from eight meters away.
The reaction time a goalie has on a shot like that... is insane.
It’s faster than this (baseball pitch--measure distance and flight from mound to batter)
Faster than this (tennis serve--measure distance and flight from serve to return)
And even faster than this (starter’s gun firing/sprinter’s foot reacting out of the blocks)
This is a game in which failing more than you succeed is considered elite-level success.
(Broadcast call ‘Her save percentage is at five-thirty on the season now. Wow! The rest of the conference is sitting at .451, And that’s still really good.”)
SAM: They say I’m under-sized. That I’m not tall enough. That i’m ‘jumpy’. (highlights and broadcast calls)
Since I was twelve, my mom ingrained in my mind two words… “Be fearless” (echo sfx)
Be fearless. (echo sfx)
Fearless! (cut to shot of Sam’s tattoo “Be Fearless”)
Because it’s chaos.
Ninety percent of this game… I cannot control. (echo sfx)
I have to let go.
Lean on my teammates.
I’ve learned that I’m not alone out there... in the chaos.
Yeah, this game is fast.
But if you could slow it down… (echo sfx)
What would it sound like?
(FX Sequence)
(Need Sam’s input to help form this section into at least one story of a legit lacrosse play at the net involving sam, 3 defenders and one offensive opponent. Could also--and probably should--make 3 different plays. Not just one. More like josh adams sequence and not so much like jake evans rewind 3 times on the same play).
Story of UNC Shot (involving all of defensive unit)
SAM: Lefty. Low angle. Be ready for the roll. Be ready for the shot.
(1) Makenna: She’s going. Let’s ride. Watch her hips. Breathe.
(2) Hannah: Keep her. You got this. Be ready to hedge.
(3) Savannah: Second slide. I got your back. Be ready.
(4) Andie: Watch your cutter. See both. Head on a swivel.
(5) Kelly: Hold her. Don’t be in shooting space.
(6) Diana: Get a stick on it. Go in twos.
(7) Kathleen: Be ready for the ball on the floor. Box out.
(About to shoot = All together: Crash)
SAM: Coming in. Big eyes. See the ball. Follow the stick. Breathe.
(big save by sam and celebration by all teammates--possibly matchframe cut the final save to real game footage like at the end of jake evans. SFX crowd cheering)
SAM: Yeah… That’s what it would sound like.
If you could slow me down.
(Final quick edit sequence of game highlights and broadcast call: “Giacolone does it again!)
Cut to full screen monogram logo
Fade to black.